If you are a store or company owner, and would like to sponsor our event, please, do get in touch with us using the contact form on the top left of this page.
Thank you very much to our sponsors!!!
Here, at Rising Sun GT, we are totally grateful and feel deeply indebted to those who support us. Big or small, they all have made possible this event in one or another way, and therefore we would like to publicly thank them.
This is the list of our kind supporters:
Redgrass Games
Redgrassgames is a French company created two years ago, by two brothers. They’ve build Redgrassgames to reflect their passions and values : Testing new ideas, appreciation of well-made things and a strong affinity for design. The everlasting wet palette was their first Kickstarter project and was a big success: it’s now used all over the world by thousands of painters. Their complete range of miniature painting tools (nippers, holder, brushes and wet palette) is available in Japan!
Miniature Forest
Miniature Forest is a miniature games store located in Kashiwa, Chiba. It has one of the biggest gaming areas in all over Japan, with a very calm, relaxed and friendly atmosphere. You can find there not only products related to miniature games, but also boardgames as well as all the necessary accessories for painting your miniatures.
Hobby Shop Arrows
Hobby Shop Arrows is a classic, a hobby store every hobbyist in Japan should visit. It is located in Akihabara, Tokyo, one of the most renown areas for any fan of figurines, miniatures, trading card games and all kind of hobbies. Arrows provides Age of Sigmar miniautures as well as painting material, and a very nice gaming area, which is very popular!
Y&Y Miniature Shop
Y&Y is a miniature games store located in Nihonbashi, Osaka. They offer tables for Warhammer games, including all Warhammer games, as well as many other games. They also offer paint space and sell painting / modeling supplies. Be sure to check their YouTube channel!
Green Stuff World
Green Stuff World is a Spanish company that in recent years has become a referent of all kind of hobby supplies, from paints to sculpting material. Their pin rolls to make texturized surfaces have become very popular among miniaturists, but their originality and creativity do not stop there. They are also one of the most supportive companies in the hobby, and their Creative site is full of images and tutorials to help hobbyists find motivation and help on their projects. Green Stuff World products can now be found in stores in Japan, including the popular Yodobashi Camera and Yellow Submarine!
And last, but not least, we would like to give a special thanks to
Games Workshop Japan, for providing supplies and scenery for the tables.
A list of sponsors of Rising Sun GT 2018 can be found here.