Last edit: September 27, 2019.
Thanks to Jon Williams from Tokyo Tactical for his very helpful advice about tournament scores and BCP!!


Rising Sun GT is including this year a Warhammer 40,000 tournament for the first time. And as far as we know, it will be the first tournament of this characteristics to be held in the area of Kansai. Here you will find the rules for the tournament.

Although our aim is to provide a relaxed atmosphere and not to exclusively promote the competitive side of the hobby, this is a tournament after all, and therefore there must be certain rules and guidelines.

Considering that it’s our first tournament, and that many local communities consist of a large amount of beginner level players, we have tried to keep these rules as simple as possible, while still trying making the event as attractive as possible to veteran players. The TO will have the final decision to any situation that is not covered in these rules.

We encourage all players attending Rising Sun GT to abide by these rules and follow these guidelines as best as they can.

Basic rules and army selection:

  • The tournament will consist of 5 game rounds of Matched Play to be played over the course of two days, on October Sunday 13th (3 games) and Monday 14th (2 games), 2019.
  • Per the matched play rules, armies must be battle-forged, with a maximum cost of 2000 points, and you cannot create an army list containing more than a total of 3 of the detachments listed in the main rulebook on Pg. 242-245.
  • The tournament will use all the rules as described in the main rulebook and Chapter Approved 2018. Basically, all current Games Workshop and Forgeworld 8th edition Warhammer 40,000 source material may be used to build your Battle-forged army. In case of duplicated sources, the one with the most recent publication date will be valid over the rest. All current beta rules are in effect as outlined on the Warhammer-community page or published in White Dwarf until the issue of September 2019.
  • You can submit your army list at any time after registration, until the deadline of October 5, 2019.

FAQs and Errata:

  • FAQs and Errata published by the Warhammer Community team until the week before the tournament will be in effect. You can find all FAQ and Errata PDF documents here.
  • Please, prepare some digital snapshots or printouts of the FAQs or Errata related to your army in order to resolve disputes quicker. No printouts will be available at the venue.


  • All miniatures must be either Citadel Miniatures or Forge World. Miniatures from other makers as proxies will not be allowed.
  • Conversions are welcome, as long as at least 70% of the miniature is built with bits of Citadel Miniature and the original model can be recognized. In case of doubt, get in contact with the organizers in advance.
  • Painted armies are not required to participate in the tournament. However, painted armies will be awarded battle points by the TOs, according to the following categories:
    1. Grand Master: 250 battle points.
    2. Master: 150 battle points.
    3. Fully Painted: 50 battle points.
  • An army will be considered painted when, and only when, (1) all miniatures are painted with at least 3 colors; and (2) the bases are painted and texturized in some way. Painting a base in just one color, let’s say brown, will not be considered painted. Contact the organizers in case of doubt.
  • ‘WYSIWYG’: what you see is what you get, meaning that weapons carried by the units must be represented in the models as much as possible. This is not a completely strict rule and exceptions can be made. Please, get in contact with the organizers in case of doubt.
  • Base size varies depending on the release of the model, and for this tournament pre-based models will be accepted with bases that came with the set, even if the base size has been changed.
  • Modelling for advantage is not acceptable, and any model that is modelled so will be considered visible as if it were the full height and width of the model, as determined by the judges.

Missions and Scoring:

  • All missions have been selected from Chapter Approved 2018 and will be the following, in this order:
    1. Beachhead (EW 6, Chapter Approved 2018 p. 53)
    2. Visions of Victory (MoW5, Chapter Approved 2018, p 58)
    3. Tactical Cascade (MoW4, Chapter Approved 2018, p 57)
    4. The Four Pillars (EW4, Chapter Approved 2018, p 54)
    5. Strategic Gamble (MoW3, Chapter Approved 2018, p 56)
  • Players must introduce their results after each round using the Best Coast Pairings app, Player’s version:
  • Winners are determined by standard methods, as described in each of the missions.
  • Players will score their battle points in the app after each round according to the following table:
Victory1000 + mission victory points
Tie500 + mission victory points
Loss0 + mission victory points
  • The tournament ranking will be based on the total battle points. To resolve possible ties, a number of secondary scorings will be used as per the Best Coast Pairings system.
  • An overall Champion, runner-up and third best players will be determined based on the overall ranking. These will be awarded a trophy and a selection of prizes.
  • In the unlikely event of a tie despite the above calculations, the winner will be determined by a coin toss.

Time and chess clock rules:

  • Each game will have a 2,5-hour time limit that begins when the first die is rolled to determine setup.
  • There will be a 30-minute window between games to allow break time, and potential overflow.
  • We will make use of chess clocks to keep the games and each player’s turns in time.
  • We will use the open source chess clock rules made by Frontline Gaming for their ITC format. These rules can be found here (only in English).

Summary of chess clock rules:

  1. The clock starts when the first pre-game dice is rolled.
  2. Players are responsible for passing the clock to their opponent. When a player is rolling dice or determining casualties the clock should be passed to them, but again, this is the responsibility of the player whose turn it is.
  3. Players can choose to not roll for outcomes in situations that are obvious. For example, 3 Chaos Cultists are left fighting 10 Genestealers, and have the first turn to assault. They can pass the clock to the opponent and not roll their dice (this is especially used if time is short), but the opposing player can choose to remove the unit from the board and continue if this option is chosen.
  4. Major rules disputes cause time to be paused until a judge determines the situation and makes a judgement.
  5. Game ends at the start of a turn when neither player has more than 10 minutes left on their clock. The continued results of the game can either be determined and agreed upon by the players, or the the game finishes in it’s current situation.

Advice: Know your units and their rules. Have a copy of your list ready to show your opponent (we recommend Battlescribe) and rule books ready just in case.

Speed will be very important, so consider this when making your list: It will be very difficult to move hundreds of models around the board without using up all of your time. If you play a ‘horde’ army, be prepared to take your turns as quickly as possible, as wasted time may be your undoing. Please refer to the timekeeping rules above.

Good Sports:

  • The goal of the tournament is to have a good time, and not to encourage toxic competitiveness.
  • You are encouraged to be kind and reasonable with your opponent.
  • Do not intentionally misplay your army
  • No takebacks are allowed without the opponent’s permission, and this should be discussed before the game begins.
  • Importantly, do not play slowly on purpose: that kind of behaviour puts other players at an unfair disadvantage and will not be tolerated.
  • In order to encourage good sporting behaviour, a Best Sports trophy and prize will be awarded to the most sporting player, selected by player vote.
  • Be nice. We are all here to have fun!

Registration and payment:

You can get your tickets through our Peatix event site here: