
This will be the second installment of our Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Tournament to be held in Japan within Rising Sun GT. Here you will find the rules for the tournament. Although our aim is to provide a relaxed atmosphere and not to exclusively promote the competitive side of the hobby, this is a tournament after all, and therefore there must be certain rules and guidelines. We encourage all players attending Risign Sun GT to abide by these rules and follow the guidelines as best they can.

Take into account that these rules might be subject to change in time to accommodate new releases for Age of Sigmar made by Games Workshop, for instance after the General’s Handbook 2019 is released. We will track updates of the rules here.

Current version: v1.3, 2019/8/30

Basic rules:

  • The tournament will consist of 5 game rounds of Matched Play, of 2h 30min each, to be played over the course of two days, on September Saturday 14th (3 games) and Sunday 15th (2 games), 2019.
  • The pairing for the first round will be randomly set. From the second round onwards, a Swiss pairing system will be used.
  • The basic game rules for the tournament will be those described in the Core Rules of Warhammer Age of Sigmar 2nd edition, expanded by those advanced rules described in the Core Book, the General’s Handbook 2019, Malign Sorcery Book, the most recent battletome of any valid army as well as any related FAQ, errata or designer’s commentary.
  • Rules for the tournament games are: Core Rules (including Realms of Battle and Allegiance Abilities), Matched Play and Pitched Battle Rules, Endless Spells and Malign Sorcery rules, all described in the books mentioned above.  ATTENTION: Realms of Battle have been house-ruled. (See below).
  • Each game round will use a different Battleplan, randomly selected before each game by the organizers from the Matched Play battleplans in the Core Book and the General’s Handbook.

FAQs and Errata:

  • FAQs and Errata published by the Warhammer Community team until the day before the tournament will be in effect. You can find all FAQ and Errata PDF documents here.
  • Please, prepare some digital snapshots or printouts of the FAQs or Errata related to your army in order to resolve disputes quicker. No printouts will be available at the venue.

Army Selection:

  • Armies will be Battlehost level, up to 2000 points, of which 400 points can be allies (see page 54 of GH2019 for rules regarding allies).
  • See page 54 of the GH2019 for army restrictions regarding Leaders, Battleline, Artillery and Behemoths for a Battlehost level game.
  • Your army must have an allegiance.
  • Hidden Agendas will not be used this time.

About the bases of your models:

  • All your models must be on proper round bases.
  • This chart made by Games Workshop lists what will be considered the official base sizes.
  • Models cannot be set over the base of any other model during a game as stated in the core rules.
  • If you would prefer to keep your models on square bases, these must at least be stuck on top of the corresponding round bases by blu-tac or double-sided tape, for example.


  • Only the most updated, printed version of a warscroll will be valid. Several versions of a unit’s warscroll have been published in many cases. Generally, the most updated one is that included in a battletome rather than in a Grand Alliance book. To be sure, we recommend players to use the most recent version of the AoS app. But, if there is a discrepancy between the app and the most recent printed version or FAQ of a warscroll, the latter cases will be considered valid. Please ask a TO for a final decision if unsure.

Warscroll Batallions:

  • Warscroll Batallions will be valid as long as they have a Pitched Battle profile and point cost.
  • You must consider the Warscroll Batallion’s points cost when building your roster.
  • As per the rules, for each Warscroll Batallion that you include, you will gain 1 extra command point, and one extra artefact of power for a second HERO (Core Rules, page 240 of the Core Book).

Realms of Battle (*house-ruled):

  • Each game round will be played in a different a Mortal Realm, with the same Realm not played more than once.
  • Each round, all tables will be set in the same Realm.
  • Realm of Battle rules include realmsphere magic, realm commands and realmscape features as detailed in the Core Book (pages 254-259), as well as the spells of the realms, included in the Malign Sorcery Book (pages 72-78).
  • All 5 Realms of Battle a corresponding realmscape feature will be randomly selected.
  • IMPORTANT HOUSE RULE REGARDING GHUR: In case of playing a round in Ghur, the Realm of Beasts, “Monstrous Beasts” rules will not be in play. All other rules from the Realm of Beasts can be played as normally.

Artefacts of the Realms:

  • As detailed in the Malign Sorcery Book, after choosing your allegiance, you can decide that it is from a specific Mortal Realm. If you do so, please note it in the army roster. Your army’s realm must be the same for the whole duration of the event.
  • You can select any of your artefacts of power from the lists included for that realm in the Malign Sorcery Book (pages 79-85).
  • IMPORTANT: Spells of the Realms are determined by the realm in which the battle takes place, not by the realm where armies come from (see above, Realms of Battle).


  • A certain amount of scenery for the games will be provided.
  • You are welcome to bring some terrain to help make the tables more complex.
  • All terrain models, provided and brought by players, will be placed by the organizers and stay fixed on the tables.
  • Some factions can use scenery as part of their armies. You can use an army-specific scenery as described by your army’s Battletome. If you are using army-specific terrain, you must bring it yourself.
  • All Citadel terrain included in the General’s Handbook 2019 Terrain Lists (page 56) must use the rules detailed in their corresponding Warscrolls.
  • For other types of terrain, the organizers will roll on the General’s Handbook 2019’s Scenery Table (page 57) for each piece of scenery before the first game. Each piece of scenery will remain the same type of terrain for the whole duration of the tournament.

Endless Spells:

  • Players can include Endless Spells in their army list if they pay their Pitched Battle point costs.
  • Players must have the corresponding Citadel model for an endless spell.
  • Rules for Endless Spells are those included in the Malign Sorcery Book.


  • All miniatures must be either Citadel Miniatures or Forge World. Miniatures from other makers as proxies will not be allowed.
  • Conversions are welcome, as long as at least 70% of the miniature is built with bits of Citadel Miniature and the original model can be recognized. In case of doubt, get in contact with the organizers in advance.
  • Painted armies are not required to participate in the tournament. However, painted armies will be awarded tournament points by the TOs, according to the following categories:
    1. Outstanding: 5 TPs.
    2. Standard: 3 TPs.
    3. Basic: 1TP.
  • An army will be considered painted when, and only when, (1) all miniatures are painted with at least 3 colors; and (2) the bases are painted and texturized in some way. Painting a base in just one color, let’s say brown, will not be considered painted. Contact the organizers in case of doubt.
  • ‘WYSIWYG’: what you see is what you get, meaning that weapons carried by the units must be represented in the models as much as possible. This is not a completely strict rule and exceptions can be made. Please, get in contact with the organizers in case of doubt.

Army selection and Roster:

  • First, before submitting your army roster, you must purchase a ticket (see below and here).
  • Make your roster using the Warhammer-Community Warscroll Builder or the official Azyr app. Save it in PDF and send it to us using your name and player ID.
  • You can submit your army list at any time after registration, until the deadline of September 7, 2019.
  • In case of a difference in the point costs as shown in the Warscroll Builder, Azyr app and the most recently printed version (General’s Handbook or Battletome), the latter will be considered the valid point cost. Don’t forget to double check before submitting your roster!

Ending and keeping games on time:

  • Matched play battleplans are designed to be played in 5 battlerounds. Players should endeavour to play all five battlerounds in the allotted time if at all possible.
  • If you do not have time to complete all five battlerounds, you should stop playing at the end of a full battleround.
  • If you do not complete all five battlerounds, and both players agree on an inevitable/highly likely outcome if all battlerounds were to be played, that will be the result. If both players agree it’s impossible to determine the outcome after five battlerounds from the current game state, determine the result of the match from the current score. If you disagree on the result, please call a TO to make the final decision.

Gaming Points

From each battle, players will obtain tournament points, depending on their results:

  • Major Victory: 20 points
  • Minor Victory: 15 points
  • Draw: 10 points
  • Minor Loss: 5 points
  • Major Loss: 0 points

Please record the in-game VPs and the total points value of destroyed enemy units, not including summoned units. These will be used just as a tie breaker, with in-game VPs taking preference.

An overall winner, second and third best players will be determined based on total tournament points obtained during the games as well as from painted armies (see above). These will be awarded a trophy and a selection of prizes from the catalogue of GW and other hobby companies.

Good Sports:

  • The goal of the tournament is to have a good time, and not to encourage toxic competitiveness.
  • You are encouraged to be kind and reasonable with your opponent.
  • Do not intentionally misplay your army or try to take back decisions too often.
  • Importantly, do not play slowly on purpose: that kind of behaviour puts other players at an unfair disadvantage and will not be tolerated.
  • In order to encourage good sporting behaviour, a Best Sports trophy and prize will be awarded to the most sporting player, selected by player vote.

Registration and payment:

You can get your tickets through our Peatix event site here:

*We would like to thank James Bunting and Daniel Myles for their helpful comments on drafting these rules.